What we offer to students

Leiterplatte formt grün-leuchtendes Gehirn

Take part in shaping ecological sustainability - your brainpower for Green ICT!

The Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) has set up the Green ICT @ FMD Competence Center to reduce, through research and development, the energy and resource consumption of digital technologies. To achieve this, the passion of young talents who will become the researchers of tomorrow is needed today. Through our range of offers for students, we want to promote this passion for sustainable microelectronics and provide a platform for emerging researchers to further develop their ideas with us.

Do you have the next bright idea for green electronics? Then join us and apply for the
Green ICT Camp or the Green ICT Award

Green ICT Award 2024

The Green ICT Award is presented annually to students who apply with their final thesis on ecologically sustainable electronics.

Green ICT Camp 2024 Logo

Connect with experts and fellow students, and get to know the whole spectrum of research and development opportunities in resource-efficient electronics.