Green ICT Space - the accelerator for ecologically sustainable start-ups and SMEs

Green ICT Space Logo auf grünem Wald-Hintergrund

Benefit from the infrastructure of the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany

The "Green ICT @ FMD" competence center supports start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises at an early stage in resource-saving product development.

The three rounds of applications have been completed and the projects now underway mark an important step forward in our mission to promote resource-saving information and communication technologies (ICT).

Consulting offer for all start-ups in the field of green electronics

Even if we are currently unable to carry out any more application rounds in their current form, our offer to support you in the development of sustainable ICT technologies and the preparation of life cycle assessments remains unchanged.

Are you interested in consulting in the field of green electronics?

Then contact us with your wishes and challenges. We will provide you with comprehensive advice and discuss possible implementation projects with our specialist scientific staff.

Benefits of investor contacts

We know that financial support is an essential pillar for the realization of your goals. Although the Green ICT Space can no longer provide direct financial resources, we are happy to assist you in finding possible sources of funding for your Green ICT project.

The FMD network represents an opportunity for you as a start-up. Investor contacts can be used to provide you with a professional demonstrator (proof of concept) on the way to the product.

Future-oriented cooperation

The joint development and use of suitable demonstrators in the Green ICT sector not only supports the start-up ecosystem in the hardware sector but also further research and development based on application and market-specific findings.

We want to use our joint projects with you as a start-up or SME to inspire other market participants on the topic of ecological sustainability.


Will there be another application round?
No, the last application round has been completed. The Green ICT Space can therefore no longer offer financial support.
I have a product idea in the Green ICT sector and don't yet know exactly how I can implement it sustainably. Can I contact you with this?
Please feel free to get in touch with us. We will find the right contact person for you within our Green ICT @ FMD competence center. You can then discuss implementation approaches together.
Can you also advise me on financing options?
Our broad network offers a number of contacts to investors, funds and business development organizations. Contact us so that we can explore your options together.
Further questions?
Feel free to send us an e-mail to: space[at]

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Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung