Green ICT Award Logo auf Bild einer Wissenschaftlerin bei der Forschung

Green ICT Camp

Die Termine für die nächsten beiden Camps stehen schon fest: 24.-28. März 2025 in Nürnberg/Erlangen und 1.-5. September 2025 in Dresden. Unser erstes »Green ICT Camp« fand vom 2.-6. September fand in Berlin statt – und es war ein voller Erfolg!

Rückblick auf das erste Green ICT Camp

© Fraunhofer Mikroelektronik

Über die Green ICT Camps

Du interessierst dich für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz und bist mindestens im 4. Fachsemester eines technischen, wirtschaftlichen oder interdisziplinären Studiengangs? Dann bewirb dich für das nächste »Green ICT Camp« und lerne die gesamte Bandbreite an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich grüner Elektronik kennen. Dich erwartet eine spannende Woche voller Diskussionsrunden, Workshops und Gruppenarbeiten, Soft Skills Training, Side-Events und Firmenexkursionen.

What's in it for you

  • You will learn from experienced scientists what is essential in green information and communication technology (ICT) and receive concrete tips for planning your career in this field
  • You can exchange ideas and network with other enthusiastic students
  • You will gain a deeper insight into research and industry through excursions and keynote speeches
  • You will receive a free all-round carefree package including accommodation and meals
  • You can stand out on the job market with a certificate of participation and increase your career opportunities for your future professional life
  • The camp concludes with a gala evening

Do you have a question about the Green ICT Camp? Feel free to send us an email!

Further Green ICT Camps planned for 2025

Wenn Du dieses Jahr keine Zeit hattest, oder wenn Du beim diesjährigen Camp dabei warst und für das Thema Feuer gefangen hast, gibt es gute Neuigkeiten: Es finden nämlich zwei weitere Green ICT Camps mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten statt: Sei gespannt auf die nächsten Camps vom 24.-28. März 2025 in Nürnberg/Erlangen (Schwerpunkt sind Themen aus dem Hub1) und 1.-5. September 2025 in Dresden. und im August 2025 in Dresden (Themen aus dem Hub3).



Who can apply?

Students from the 4th semester onwards can apply. The camp is primarily aimed at students from the following fields of study: Microsystems technology, micro and nanotechnology, electrical engineering, embedded systems (design), physics, etc.; computer engineering, information technology, etc.; environmental economics, energy and environmental technology, environmental and resource management, etc.

How can I apply?

Ganz einfach online auf dieser Seite, sobald der nächste Bewerbungszeitraum eröffnet ist (Anfang 2025).

How does the selection process work?

A team of scientists from the participating FMD institutes will review all applications and contact you.

✏️ Contents and learning objectives

What special prior knowledge do I need?

The camp is primarily aimed at students with a keen interest in environmental issues and potential for improvement, but who have not attended any such courses during their studies. The necessary environmental knowledge, in particular on life cycle assessment, is taught during the camp.

What is the best way to prepare for participation?

Please make sure that you have the programs Excel and Power Point installed on your laptop.

What new knowledge can I take away with me?

Answer follows.

Will I receive a certificate of participation?

Yes, including a list of everything you have learned during the week.


What is the exact program plan?

Der genaue Programmplan für das kommende Camp wird noch bekanntgegeben.

What can I expect at the Green ICT Camp?

An exciting week full of discussion rounds, workshops with group work, soft skills training, side events including a gala evening as the highlight of the week, company excursions with "best practice" examples and a small competition with an award ceremony.

How is the evening program organized?

Some exciting activities are planned for the evening: Team building, a fireside chat with industry/politics, and the gala evening. The group work results from the workshops will be presented during the gala evening.

Is there a dress code for the gala evening?

Business casual - no T-shirts, but no prom suit either.

💡Good to know

In which language is the camp held?

All camp events are held in German.

Is participation free of charge?

Yes, the Green ICT Camp is part of the "Green ICT @ FMD" project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Is the registration binding?

Yes, please only register if you know for sure that you can attend. If something comes up, please let us know in good time so that other students can move up.

Can I transfer my place to another person?

Answer follows.

I am not available the whole week, can I still take part?

The program is designed for full attendance for the entire week. Shortened attendance is not possible.

Can I participate online or hybrid?

The program is designed for on-site attendance. Online participation is not possible.

Will there be more camps?

Ja! Nach dem ersten Camp, das vom 2.6-.September in Berlin stattfand, finden zwei weitere Green ICT Camps mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten statt: Im März 2025 in Erlangen (Schwerpunkt sind Themen aus dem Hub1) and in August 2025 in Dresden (topics from Hub3)

🛏️ Logistics

What do I need to take care of beforehand?

Du musst deine An- und Abreise zum Veranstaltungsort selbst organisieren. Wir kümmern uns um den Rest (Übernachtung, Verpflegung, Transfer während des Camps zwischen den Veranstaltungslocations, Materialien etc.).

Please also make sure that you have the programs Excel and Power Point installed on your laptop.

When is the arrival/departure?

Die genauen Daten werden noch bekannt gegeben.

Where will I be staying?

Participants will be accommodated in a hostel. The booking is made through the organizers, the costs are covered.

What should I bring with me?

Laptop, towel, a business casual style outfit for the gala evening, good mood 😊

Do you have more questions about the Green ICT Camp? Feel free to send us an email!

Background information on the camp

Das Kompetenzzentrum »Green ICT @ FMD« veranstaltet dieses Camp, um jungen Forschenden im Bereich ressourcenschonende Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie wichtige Einblicke in die Forschungslandschaft und -infrastruktur zu geben und sie miteinander und mit wichtigen Stakeholdern zu vernetzen. Initiiert wurde das Camp von der FMD, die mit heutigen Forschungsaktivitäten im Bereich Mikroelektronik bereits die Fragen von morgen beantworten will und dabei der nachhaltigen Nachwuchsförderung einen besonderen Stellenwert beimisst.

Read more

The complexity of future ICT systems, their development, and subsequent use requires prospective technologists in science and industry to be sensitized to these new thematic contents and upheavals and their networking into interdisciplinary fields.

The target group is students of various technical and economic, but also interdisciplinary courses of study from all universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany. They should have sufficient previous experience but still be in the process of setting their main focus in their studies and final theses.

The Green ICT Camp is to be a joint initiative of the BMBF and FMD and designed for a sustainable duration (at least three years) with annual implementation at different locations throughout Germany. For the regional implementation of each camp, various program partners from the fields of education (universities, colleges with ForLabs), science (FMD institutes), and business (local industrial companies, start-ups, high-tech start-up funds or associations) will be sought, who will be involved in the content and conceptual design at an early stage.

Do you have a question about the Green ICT Camp? Feel free to send us an email!