Green ICT Connect 2024

Green ICT Connect 2024 Logo vor grün-eingefärbter Aufnahme von Fachkonferenz

Science, business and industry will come together in mid-October 2024 with a common goal: Shaping progress in ICT in an ecologically sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Date: October 16 and 17, 2024
Venue: Change Hub Berlin, Hardenbergstr.32, 10623 Berlin
Language: German

Die Teilnahme ist auch per Livestream möglich. Dafür ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Der Link zum Stream wird kurz vor der Veranstaltung hier und auf LinkedIn veröffentlicht.

In den drei technologischen Fachgebieten werden spannende Forschungs- und Industrieaktivitäten rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Mikroelektronik vorgetragen:

  • Sensor edge cloud systems
  • Energy-saving communication infrastructures
  • Resource-optimized electronics production

Preliminary agenda (german)

You can already look forward to exciting presentations from companies such as BOSCH, Siemens, Infineon, Evonik, Marposs, Rohde & Schwarz and Intel. We will be adding further program items soon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024:

09:30-10:00Welcome Coffee
Dr. Oliver Höing (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
10:30-11:00Keynote Talk
Schwerpunkt grüne IKT in Rechenzentren
11:00-11:15: Dr. Dina Barbian (eco2050 Institut)
11:15-11:30: Anna Zagorski (Umweltbundesamt)
11:30-11:45: Dr. Jens Krüger (Fraunhofer ITWM)
11:45-12:00: Dr. Stefan Zeltner (Fraunhofer IISB)
12:00-13:00Lunch / Networking
Kommunikationsnetze und Datenübertragung
13:30-13:45: Prof. Heinrich, Ökobilanz Richtfunk (FBH)
13:15-13:30: Tuğana Aslan (FMD) und Hady Yacoub (FBH)
13:45-14:00: Stefan Wunderer (Nokia)
14:00-14:30: Dr. Lutz Stobbe (Fraunhofer IZM)
14:30-15:15Networking Coffee
Hub-Lounges / Green ICT Space / Demo Street / FMD-Lounge / Job Corner
15:15-15:30: Dirk Lange (Marposs) und Alexander Stanitzki (Fraunhofer IMS)
15:30-15:45: Dr. Peter Spies (Fraunhofer IIS)
15:45-16:00: Dr. Torben Dankwort (Fraunhofer ISIT)
16:00 -16:15: Carsten Brockmann (Fraunhofer IZM)
16:15-16:45Impulsvortrag: Datennetze
Kay Neugebauer (Rohde & Schwarz)
16:45-17:15Hub-Lounges / Green ICT Space / Demo Street / FMD-Lounge / Job Corner
17:15-18:00Preisverleihung Green ICT Award 2024
18:00-19:30Networking mit Flying Buffet

Thursday, October 17, 2024:

09:00-10:30Breakfast for women scientists
10:30-11:00Grußworte + Keynote Talk
Corrina Wolf (Infineon)
Green ICT Space Start-ups
11:00-11:20: DIVE GmbH
11:20-11:40: XCCES GmbH
11:45-12:00: Dr. Matthias Schreyer
12:00-13:00Lunch / Networking
Ressourceneinsparende Mikroelektronikproduktion
13:00-13:15: Julia Hess (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung)
13:15-13:30: Fiona Moclair (Intel)
13:30-13:45: Anne Hesse (IHP)
13:45-14:00: Johannes Röck (Siemens)
14:00-14:15: Wolfgang Nüchter (Bosch)
14:15-14:30: Anton Weißbach / Hans Kleemann (TU Dresden)
14:30-15:30Networking Coffee
Hub-Lounges / Green ICT Space / Demo Street / FMD-Lounge / Job Corner
Von Datentransparenz zu Real Learnings in der Elektronikproduktion
Prof. Ulrike Ganesh (Fraunhofer IZM), Dr. Andreas Berns (VDI/VDE – IT), Dr. Gottfried Wastlbauer (Merck), Jörg Amelung (Fraunhofer IPMS), Julia Hess (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung)
Circular Economy
16:45-17:00: Nina Fechler (Evonik)
16:45-17:00: Dan Mutschler (Ruhrzinn)
Dr. Gottfried Wastlbauer (Merck)

What it is about

The digital transformation in industry, business, and society and the increasing complexity of multifunctional microelectronic systems are leading to rising data volumes and resource and energy consumption. Against this backdrop and the background of climate protection targets, the development of electronic systems and ICT faces the challenge of sustainably reducing energy and resource requirements and making technologies more efficient.

High-ranking representatives will meet for the second time at Green ICT Connect 2024 to initiate an exchange on resource conservation in ICT between science, industry, and politics. Exciting information on research activities and scientific and industry cooperation on sustainability in ICT will be discussed. In more than 70 timeslots, the speakers will present their ideas and challenges relating to energy efficiency, decarbonization, and life cycle assessment in green ICT on abstract problems and, together with the other participants, find application-oriented solutions for cooperation between research and industry.

Review »Green ICT Connect« 2023

FMD and Green ICT flag outside a building

Take a look at our detailed review on the FMD website including photos, video recordings of the entire event and presentation slides (in German).