Review "Green ICT Connect"

With more than 100 participants, the first »Green ICT Connect« on September 13, 2023, was a great success and an essential step towards better networking between science, industry, and politics.

Drei Teilnehmer*innen während Expertenrunde der Green ICT Connect Fachkonferenz
Zwei Personen probieren das VR Headset aus und besuchen den virtuellen Showroom der FMD
Moderator und Sprecher während der Green ICT Connect Fachkonferenz
Drei Teilnehmer*innen unterhalten sich bei der Green ICT Connect Fachkonferenz

To explore the possibilities of progressive cooperation, high-ranking representatives from all relevant focus groups met for the first time in this composition at the Green ICT Event. The common goal was to shape progress in ICT in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Complete video recording, photos and presentation slides (in German)

Eine Gruppe an Teilnehmer*innen unterhält sich bei der Green ICT Connect Fachkonferenz

Have you missed our technical conference on September 13? Check out our detailed review on the FMD website, including photos, video recordings of the entire event, and presentation slides!