Publications from the Competence Center Green ICT @ FMD


  • Aslan, Tuğana, Holzapfel, Peter, Stobbe, Lutz, Grimm, Andreas, Nissen, Nils F., Finkbeiner, Matthias: Toward climate neutral data centers: Greenhouse gas inventory, scenarios, and strategies. In: iScience, Volume 28, Issue 1 (2025). DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.111637
  • Constantin Baumann (Fraunhofer IIS), Johannes Wieczorek (Fraunhofer IIS), Peter Spies (Fraunhofer IIS), David Sanchez (Fraunhofer IZM): Analysis of the Carbon Footprint of Self-Powered, Wireless Sensors.
    The work presented is part of the »Green ICT @ FMD« project, your competence center for ecologically sustainable information and communication technologye


  • Mengozzi, M., Gibiino, G.P., Angelotti, A.M., Florian, C., Santarelli, A., Schulze, C., Bengtsson, O. (2023): Modulated-Input Control and Linearization of a Multi-Port Millimeter-Wave PA by VNA-based Calibrated Wideband Measurements. In: 101st ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference: Challenges in Complex Measurement Environments, ARFTG 2023 (Conference Paper).
  • Reiner, Richard; Basler, Michael; Mönch, Stefan; Waltereit, Patrick; Benkhelifa, Fouad; Mikulla, Michael; Quay, Rüdiger (2023): Lateral GaN Power Devices and Integrated GaN Power Circuits: Status and Recent Progress. In: Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik und ihre Anwendungen 2023 (Conference Paper).
  • Basler, M., Deneke, N., Monch, S., Reiner, R., Wicht, B., Quay, R. (2023): Monolithically Integrated GaN Gate Drivers- A Design Guide (2023). In: IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics (Article). DOI:10.1109/OJPEL.2023.3290190.
  • Trenz, A., Hoffmann, C., Lange, C., Öchsner, R. (2023): Increasing Energy Efficiency and Flexibility by Forecasting Production Energy Demand Based on Machine Learning. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-28839-5_50
  • Maisel, F., Neef, C., Marscheider-Weidemann, F., Nissen, N.F. (2023): A forecast on future raw material demand and recycling potential of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles. In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Article). DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.106920.
  • Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (2023): Deutsche Normungsroadmap Circular Economy. In:  (Report).
  • Amatuni, L., Yamamoto, T., Baldé, C.P., Clemm, C., Mogollón, J.M. (2023): Quantifying total lifetimes of consumer products: Stochastic modelling accounting for second-hand use and establishing an open-collaborative database. In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Article). DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107103.
  • Schischke, K., Ruckschloss, J., Schlegel, M.-C., Zollinger, J., Nissen, N.F., Schneider-Ramelow, M. (2023): The European Union’s Energy Label for Smartphones: Does it Guide Consumers to Make Environmentally Sustainable Choices?. In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin, ICCE-Berlin (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1109/ICCE-Berlin58801.2023.10375619.
  • Voigt, S., Willert, A., Mende, W., Zschau, T., Oehme, T., Zichner, R. (2023): Environmental friendly and low cost monitoring system for plant and agriculture fields. In: 2023 Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition, SSI 2023 (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1109/SSI58917.2023.10387957.
  • Helke, C., Reinhardt, M., Arnold, M., Schwenzer, F., Haase, M., Wachs, M., Goßler, C., Götz, J., Keppeler, D., Wolf, B., Schaeper, J., Salditt, T., Moser, T., Schwarz, U.T., Reuter, D. (2023): On the Fabrication and Characterization of Polymer-Based Waveguide Probes for Use in Future Optical Cochlear Implants. In: Materials (Article). DOI:10.3390/ma16010106.


  • Shivan T., Hossain M., Doerner R., Yacoub H., Snyder B., Tegegne Z., Deumer M., Nellen S., De Felipe Mesquida D., Heinrich W., Krozer V. (2022): A Wideband Ultra-Low Current Noise Transimpedance Amplifier for Ultrafast Wideband THz Communication. In: 2022 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference, MIKON 2022 (Conference Paper).
  • Sweke R., Boes P., Ng N., Sparaciari C., Eisert J., Goihl M. (2022): Transparent reporting of research-related greenhouse gas emissions through the scientific CO2nduct initiative. In: Communications Physics, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, Art. 150 (Note). DOI:10.1038/s42005-022-00930-2.
  • Powroźnik P., Szcześniak P., Sobolewski Ł., Piotrowski K. (2022): Novel Functionalities of Smart Home Devices for the Elastic Energy Management Algorithm. In: Energies, Vol.15, Nr.22, Art.8632 (Article). DOI:10.3390/en15228632.
  • Szcześniak P., Turchan K., Krysik M., Koropiecki I., Piotrowski K. (2022): An Elastic Energy Management Algorithm in a Hierarchical Control System with Distributed Control Devices. In: Energies, Vol.15, Nr.13, Art.4750 (Article). DOI:10.3390/en15134750.
  • Panic G., Krstic M. (2022): Designing a Power Efficient Sensor Node Microcontroller. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol.55, Nr.4, pp.298-303 (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.06.049.
  • Mesogiti I., Theodoropoulou E., Setaki F., Lyberopoulos G., Moscateli F., Kanta K., Giannoulis G., Toumasis P., Apostolopoulos D., Avramopoulos H., Lopacinski L., Teran J.G., Nanos A., Leiba Y., Anastasopoulos M., Tzanakaki A. (2022): Advancements in Edge Computing and Service Orchestration in Support of Advanced Surveillance Services. In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol.652 IFIP, pp.53-60 (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-08341-9_5.
  • Krysik M., Piotrowski K., Turchan K. (2022): Testing Smart Grid Scenarios with Small Volume Testbed and Flexible Power Inverter. In: Energies, Vol.15, Nr.2, Art.428 (Article). DOI:10.3390/en15020428.
  • Powroźnik P., Szcześniak P., Piotrowski K. (2022): Elastic energy management algorithm using iot technology for devices with smart appliance functionality for applications in smart-grid. In: Energies, Vol.15, Nr.1, Art.109 (Article). DOI:10.3390/en15010109
  • Popp J., Robert J., Roth-Mandutz E., Heuberger A. (2022): Impact of Access Barring Schemes for Delay Tolerant MTC Devices on Energy Consumption. In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Vol. 2022-June (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1109/VTC2022-Spring54318.2022.9860483.
  • Sabih M., Mishra A., Hannig F., Teich J. (2022): MOSP: Multi-Objective Sensitivity Pruning of Deep Neural Networks. In: 2022 IEEE 13th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, IGSC 2022 (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1109/IGSC55832.2022.9969374.
  • Brockmann C., Al-Magazachi S., Rezaei A., Hefer J., Hager J., Gerstner H., Matlok S., Eckardt B., Eppel M., Milosiu H., Oehler F. (2022): Modular Ultra-Low-Power IoT-Core-Bridging the Gap Between Power Electronics and Distributed Sensor Networks. In: PCIM Europe Conference Proceedings, pp. 37-42 (Conference Paper). DOI:10.30420/565822008.
  • Ahmed M., Dankwort T., Grünzig S., Lange V., Gojdka B. (2022): Broadband Zero-Power Wakeup MEMS Device for Energy-Efficient Sensor Nodes. In: Micromachines, Vol. 13, Nr. 3, Art. 407 (Article). DOI:10.3390/mi13030407.
  • Schischke K., Berwald A., Dimitrova G., Rückschloss J., Nissen N.F., Schneider-Ramelow M. (2022): Durability, reparability and recyclability: Applying material efficiency standards en 4555x to mobile phones and tablet computers. In: Procedia CIRP, Vol. 105, pp. 619-624 (Conference Paper). DOI:10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.103.
  • Proske M. (2022): How to address obsolescence in LCA studies – Perspectives on product use-time for a smartphone case study. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 376, Art. 134283 (Article). DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134283.
  • Marscheider-Weidemann Frank, Langkau Sabine, Eberling Elisabeth, Erdmann Lorenz, Haendel Michael, Krail Michael, Loibl Antonia, Neef Christoph, Neuwirth Marius, Rostek Leon, Shirinzadeh Saeideh, Stijepic Denis, Tercero Espinoza Luis Alberto, Baur Sarah-Jane, Billaud Mathilde, Deubzer Otmar, Maisel Franziska, Marwede Max, Rückschloss Jana, Tippner Max (2022): Raw materials for emerging technologies 2021. In: 346 S. (Report)
  • J. Rückschloss, K. Schischke, A. Berwald, M.-C. Schlegel (2022): Pandemic-related behavioural changes – does EU Ecodesign policy making need to react?. In: eceee Summer Study Proceedings
    2022, Hyères, France, ISBN: 978-91-988270-1-9  (Article).