9 questions for companies and start-ups

We would like to offer practical solutions. We would therefore be delighted if you could let us know your views on our offer.

    Entspricht unser technologisches Angebot Ihrem aktuellen Bedarf hinsichtlich FuE und der Berücksichtigung ökologischer Fragestellungen? Falls nein, haben Sie Verbesserungsvorschläge?

    How does your company deal with the issues of energy saving, resource consumption and ecological sustainability of its own products and processes?

    Are there any special requirements that you must adhere to? If so, what is required in terms of ecological issues?

    Where do you currently see the greatest potential for savings in your energy and material consumption?

    Have you already made changes to your processes or products in the last 2 years that have brought additional ecological added value?

    Do you already have climate or environmental protection targets and a time frame for achieving them?

    If you do not yet have a roadmap for improving the environmental footprint of your processes or products, when will you develop one?

    Haben Sie ein reserviertes FuE-Budget für die Umsetzung umweltfreundlicherer Prozess- und Produktgestaltung?

    From which direction are environmentally relevant topics brought to you and what significance do they have, or are they relevant to sales or not?

    Name Ihres Start-ups/KMU/Projekts*

    Your sector

    Ihr Name*

    Your e-mail address*

    *optionale Angabe