Green ICT Logo auf grün eingefärbter Laboraufnahme mit Menschen

There are good reasons for green electronics...


of global electricity consumption comes from ICT1


more energy consumed by data centres in 2030 than in 2020- a 13 per cent increase in environmental footprint2


million liters of water can be consumed by a large semiconductor factory every day3 let's get to work!

This is where the competence center Green ICT @ FMD comes into play. Because creating sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) requires many helping hands.

Are you in?

Zwei Wissenschaftler:innen stellen ein Mikroelektronik Bauteil her
© Fraunhofer Mikroelektronik

Eine Studentin arbeitet an Mikroelektronik Bauteilen im Labor
© skynesher | iStock

Tablet macht Aufnahme von industriellen Fertigungsprozessen in der Herstellung von Mikroelektronik
© yoh4nn | iStock

For researchers and curious minds:

Wissenschaftlerin arbeitet an Mikroelektronik Bauteil im Labor
© Maksim Shmeljov | Adobe Stock

© Aramyan | iStock

© Fraunhofer Mikroelektronik

Survey on environmental sustainability in the ICT sector

We would like to thank all companies and start-ups for their participation and for helping us to improve our offer! The survey is in German language.

  1. The Shift Project, Climate Crisis: The unsustainable use of online Video – The practical case study of online video, 2019 ↩︎
  2. Aslan, T. et al.: Toward climate neutral data centers: Greenhouse gas inventory, scenarios, and strategies. In: iScience, Volume 28, Issue 1 (2025). Link ↩︎
  3. TSMC (2021). 2021 Sustainability Report. e-all.pdf ( ↩︎

Logo der Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland
Förderkennzeichen des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung