Calculate the consumption of your television!

The annual electricity consumption of the use corresponds to % 0,00 of the electricity consumption of an average 1-person household
0,00 The annual CO₂ emissions from use & production correspond to or Liters Gasoline km Reach 0,00

Power consumption[*]

Carbon footprint (use)

Carbon footprint (production)

Carbon footprint (production + use)

Power consumption[*]
Carbon footprint (use)
Carbon footprint (production)
Carbon footprint (production + use)
in kWh/year in kg CO₂eq/year
Power consumption[*] in kWh/year
Carbon footprint (use) in kg CO₂äq/Jahr
Carbon footprint(production) in kg CO₂äq/Jahr
Carbon footprint (production + use) in kg CO₂äq/Jahr
Power consumption[*] in kWh/year
Carbon footprint (use) in kg CO₂äq/Jahr
Carbon footprint(production) in kg CO₂äq/Jahr
Carbon footprint (production + use) in kg CO₂äq/Jahr
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Model Number Years of use[*] Intensity of use[*] x
Number of devices
Years of use[*]
Intensity of use[*]
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Specific greenhouse gas emission factor of the electricity mix in kg CO₂eq/kWh[*]


*Intensity of use:
  • Low intensity of use: 1 hour/day
  • Average usage intensity: 2.5 hours/day
  • High intensity of use: 5 hours/day

*Emission factor:

The emission factor of the electricity mix indicates how CO₂-intensive the electricity was generated. A lower value, which is closer to 0, means that more renewable energies were used to generate the electricity (e.g. green electricity).

A higher value, on the other hand, indicates an increased use of fossil fuels (e.g. lignite) in electricity generation.

You can view the average emission factors of recent years and use them for your calculation. [Quelle]

*Years of use:

The longer you use an appliance, the lower its CO₂ footprint per year, as this is calculated pro rata per year of use.

*Power consumption:

The power consumption indicates how much electricity you consume per year by using the selected appliance. The higher the intensity of use, the higher the power consumption.


The more complex the production of an appliance is, the more CO₂eq emissions are caused by its manufacture.